New functionality for airline and airport users in MP²

Our MP² suite is constantly evolving as our development team add new features and improve existing functionality. Much of this work is done in response to feedback from the MP² community, our clients at leading global transportation operators.

Here’s an update of some of the most recent updates in MP²’s versions for airlines and airports.

Ground staff planning

In 2020, we launched MP² Airport, a powerful business intelligence and planning tool. Developed in consultation with launch client Avinor, MP² Airport enables fact-based planning of future resource requirements.  We’ve now added enhanced functionality for ground staff planning. Based on future schedules data, MP² Airport forecasts staff requirements at activity type level such as security, check-in and baggage handling. Useful for planning your airport’s own staffing needs, it can also help inform conversations with your service partners. MP² Airport includes a wealth of other functionality – including financial reporting, competitor analysis and business case generation. Click here for the full list.

Build meaningful partnerships and alliances

We have enhanced the power of our codeshare evaluation functionality in MP² Aero for airlines. Users can identify the most lucrative opportunities for partnerships and alliances. The solution builds on MP²’s powerful codeshare management, connection building and financial forecasting functionality. Bringing these together, users can determine the most valuable target airlines, routes or individual flights for codeshare agreements. Airlines can analyse effects on projected revenues, connectivity and market share. The tool can also be used to sense check existing partnership agreements.

Support for MCT data format changes

At the start of November, changes were made to the specifications that govern Minimum Connection Time data. Airlines can now add data records that allow for more easily preventing itineraries being built between carriers without interlining agreements.

 Our MP² airline and airport tools use MCT data to power various functionality, including the powerful Connection Builder and Connection Maximizer tools. The latest versions of MP² support the new format.


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Avoid future resource requirement surprises with MP² Airport