Welcome Nishita!
Nishita Vegi, 22, had plans to become an engineer with the Indian Air Force when she received the news that she was one of 5 students, from amongst 3000 applicants, who had won a scholarship for a Master’s Degree from The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)in Stockholm, Sweden.
“ I have really got everything I wished for”, said Nishita, upon learning of her good fortune.
The KTH Scholarship Master Challenge gives a full scholarship (to the selected student) to complete a two-year programme in aerospace engineering, that goes towards a Master of Science degree.
As a final, vital part of her degree, the Master’s Thesis, Nishita decided to combine her interest in optimization with practical experience from working with a company;
“I fell in love with optimization when I got to learn more of what can be done with it”, said Nishita.
As an expert in the field of optimization, Industrial Optimizers was a natural first choice, for Nishita, when deciding to what companies she should send out her applications to.
She is looking forward to integrating her knowledge of optimization in a thesis on Airline Codeshare Management*. Amongst other items, she will look into topics such as:
-Why Codeshare and with which airlines?
-What are the factors that matter the most when selecting a Codeshare partner?
-Revenue split up between the two partners and agreements.
Nishita originally comes from the southern part of India but, travelling with her family, grew up in many different places. As a result, she has always been open to learning new languages and getting to know different cultures. Her interest in aviation came early;
“When I was a kid, my uncle showed me a plane. From the start I knew I was going to work with something related to airplanes”, and her interest was built upon during her technology studies for a Bachelor of Science degree in India.
Nishita also has a great interest in business management. In parallel with her studies, she managed to run a company that organized technical and cultural events.
The KTH scholarship, which also is sponsored by SAAB Aerospace, has opened up many doors for her. As a prize winning student, she explores the city of Stockholm and its environs, meeting new people from a variety of cultures and from many different countries. In fact, in her first month in this new country, Nishita had the opportunity to meet many interesting people, including Christer Fugelsang, the Swedish astronaut!
Nishita is also a Student Ambassador for KTH. Her main task, as a student Ambassador, along with other student ambassadors is to inform about the programs available at KTH and the student life therein.
“The cherry on the top was the conference that was held with over 100 astronauts. I got to meet astronauts from the ASE (Association of Space Explorers) that held their Planetary Congress at KTH and got a one-on-one chat with astronaut Anna Fisher from the US. Meeting all these people who are exploring space and being at the forefront of aeronautics and space sciences was truly amazing!”, Said Nishita.
If you are interested in Codeshare Management and would like to learn more, you are welcome to contact us at Industrial Optimizers
*Airline Codeshare Management in the MP2 system
There are two principle areas in the MP2 system, administration of existing Codeshare arrangements, and decision support for selecting new Codeshare arrangements.
Airline Codeshare Management selection
The system provides two ways to determine best Codeshare partners and flight;
Simulation and What-if studies for tentative partner arrangements.
Optimization software to determine best partners and flights.
This also includes a Connection maximizer suitable for improving partner connections.
Airline Codeshare Management administration
-MP² holds information of the airline’s various Codeshare agreements.
-MP² supports the management of Marketing flights for the airline’s own flights.
-Marketing flights in the system is made either through user editing or by loading code share partners’ SSIM files. The system automatically performs comparisons between a partner’s schedule data with the airline’s own schedule data, identifying any mismatches between Marketing flights and their respective Operational flights.